About Sandra D. Bishop
When we were finally able to meet again I rarely missed an opportunity to practice. I would drive across town to the free class offered in the community center. Yes, there is always noise and racous noise just outside the door but that in part made it feel just like home.
Like many, I didn’t realize how impactful yoga was on my life until I had to do without it. Beyond the physical workout I felt a sense of community. We had conversations, listened to ideas to ponder as we practiced, set intentions of our practice and struggled through the poses together. This had a subtle yet profound effect on my emotional health.
During the shutdown I started taking my dogs on a walk around the neighborhood that included a local high school. The students loved to talk to and pet them and my dogs loved the attention.
I was walking as usual, focused in the moment, I didn’t notice how quiet the street was, I watched my dogs as they sniffed and marked their territory. I had turned the corner and was walking towards the front of the school still unaware that anything was awry. When I finally looked up ahead there were police cars blocking off the street as I approached the school. No sirens or sounds, just a couple cars and an officer in the middle of the street beginning to redirect traffic. The usually rambunctious students were huddled in the parking lot and hanging close to the building. I started scanning as my dogs, still oblivious to what was happening, continued to sniff everything in sight. I was less than 100 feet away when my eyes landed on the covered body laying just outside the bus stop. My legs buckled.
I sat there on the curb crying as my dogs soothed me. I listened to the shock and disbelief of the kids.
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